Yclub Finance Tokenomics

Yclub Finance
1 min readDec 18, 2020

Committed to being fully transparent to our community

Total Supply: 40,000 YCLUB
Circulating Supply: 27,000 YCLUB + Staking & Farming Rewards
Staking & Farming Rewards: 10,000 YCLUB
Pre-sale Supply: 20,000 YCLUB
Uniswap YCLUB Liquidity: 7,000 YCLUB
Uniswap ETH Liquidity: 380 ETH
Liquidity Locked: via Unicrypt
Development: 5%
Team: 3%
Marketing: 2%

We hope the information above is useful for our community. More information will be shared soon. The DeFi space is still in its very early stages and we are constantly learning and developing along with the wider DeFi space, like every other DeFi project.

About Yclub Finance

Yclub Finance upgraded the old Yearn making some important adjustments in first layer protocols. Yclub Finance is a DeFi yield aggregator for the lending platforms that during contract engagement rebalances for the maximum yield. For lending providers, Yclub Finance makes benefit swapping, shifting the funds autonomously between dydx, Aave, and Compound. Yclub Finance assigns a name to its solution as AMM (Automated Market Maker).



Yclub Finance

Yclub Finance is a DeFi yield aggregator for the lending platforms that during contract engagement rebalances for the maximum yield.