Introducing Yclub Finance (YCLUB) Finance

Yclub Finance
2 min readDec 18, 2020

Yclub Finance is an upgrade of the old Yearn making some important adjustments in its first layer protocols. As an Automated Market Maker (AMM), Yclub Finance acts a DeFi yield aggregator for the lending platforms that rebalances for the maximum yield during contract engagement. For lending providers, Yclub Finance brings benefit to swapping, shifting the funds autonomously and seamlessly between dYdX, Aave, and Compound.



yFarm is a loan aggregator that aims at all times to achieve the highest yield for the assisted coins (DAI, USDC, USDT, TUSD, sUSD, or wBTC). It does this by programmatically transferring these coins between multiple lending protocols running on the Ethereum blockchain (e.g. AAVE, dYdX, and Compound).


yCover, underwritten by Nexus Mutual, is a non-KYC pooled insurance coverage. It consists of three components: Vaults insurer, Vaults insured and Governance of claims. The Insurer Vaults contain the assets used to insure claimants, the Insured Vault holds the assets claimants who wish to be insured, and the insurance arbitration process is reflected by Claim Governance.

YCLUB Engine Interface

Earn performs profit switching for lending providers, moving funds between dYdX, Aave, and Compound autonomously and seamlessly.


Each vault follows a unique strategy that is designed to maximize the yield of the deposited asset. Using a YCLUB Vault is like having access to the most advanced money manager in the world.

YCLUB holders are staking their tokens in the Governance contract in order to claim profits. Profits are frequently shipped out from the yVault to this contract, which briefly keeps profits to owners until they are dispersed. After yVault has accrued a $400,000 fund, proceeds are returned to the Governance contract. This surplus is used to pay for various operating costs, including developer incentives and community funding.


Governance model is first of its kind and allows for free-of-cost and publicly-verifiable votes by YCLUB holders. Model incentivizes YCLUB holders with yETH and yUSD to cover gas costs.

yZap Fees

Users can exchange different assets bi-directionally into pooled interest-bearing tokens using the yZap function on The goal of yZap is to encourage a more seamless and frictionless swap between different coins.

About Us:



Yclub Finance

Yclub Finance is a DeFi yield aggregator for the lending platforms that during contract engagement rebalances for the maximum yield.